December 31, 2008

Catching Up!

I totally skipped blogging for the month of December but I took a ton of pictures of the kids, our friends and extended family. We had a joyful Christmas with lots of fun, lots of eating and lots of laughter. We hope that you did too! Photos included here are from church, school program, home, enjoying the lights in town and our local Christmas parade that the kids absolutely LOVE! They are in no particular order. Tonight we will be going to our friends' annual New Year's Eve bonfire. Our daughter has been dating their son for a little more than a year now. They have been very good friends for about 5 years before they started dating. Just wondering if tonight will be the night he pops the question. We all have a feeling it is coming up soon. The kids are so excited about going tonight! We are playing outside this morning and most of the day so that the girls will be tired and take a late nap. Wish us luck! ;) See you next year!

I made matching shirts for all of us to wear Christmas morning. The girl's shirts all said "Official Santa Stamp, North Pole 2008 NICE". All of the boy's shirts said "Naughty". It was so much fun to see everyone in their matching shirts and sweat pants!
My baby boy. Oh my word but I do LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this little boy! :)

Hubby's favorite Christmas movie is "A Christmas Story". I just had to make this shirt for him to wear Christmas Eve. He loved it!
My only nephew. He is a sweetie pie!

Daughter and someday son-in-law. ;)

Our local Christmas parade.

Picking up pine cones to use for crafts before the parade.

She sang "Jesus Loves The Little Children" in her school's Christmas program. Of course, she was asked to wear one of her Chinese outfits.

Notice the white cowboy boots on my little angel.

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